Wednesday, February 9, 2011


Well for our next brief, we are suppose to create a Zine!..for those of U who don't know what a Zine is,it's pronounced
'zeen' like maga 'zine'.

A  zine is a self-published magazine. Zines can be about anything. Your life thus far, your art, your favorite artist, your collection of poetry, short stories, a personal incident, how-to projects, your travels, the birth of your kids, your favorite shoes, the history of coin collecting, clouds,  your favorite cookie recipes, your rock collection, anything.
 There are so many great artists  and writers out there.

Basically, if  you have something to say, you can say it in a zine.
If you have something to share,  you can share it in the form of a zine.

Sooo..apparently..this is how you start.
tO CrEaTe a ZiNe YOu nEEd tO...

A few suggestions
1.Think of a theme or set of themes.
Be organized.
2.Respect copy written art and material.
come up with original art and projects. This is a great opportunity for you to challenge your creativity.
3.If creating an art zine, you might want to include a little something in your zine....
for example....beads, fabrics or ephemera.
4.Print and assemble enough zines to sell
....or exchange with other artists, or send to your family and friends.
5.Always include your name, (c) copyright year and contact information in the zine. 
6.Come up with a title.
The title can come before or after you have created the zine. 
Think of a title that reflects you and your zine.
7.Use what you have.

Think about how you can construct the zine? What computer program do you have? Will you be typing or hand writing your content. Will you create the zine in a cut and paste style or will you create all the pages on the computer?

Gah!!!..Lotsaaaaaa work!.

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